Samuel P. Liles Person-Info 

( Ich bin Samuel P. Liles)


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DHS official: 21 states potentially targeted - CNN Video
▶ 1:29Dr. Samuel Liles, the Department of Homeland Security's acting Director of Cyber Division of the department ...

Hacking attempts on 21 states are tied to Russia
Samuel Liles, the Department of Homeland Security's acting director of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis Cyber Division, said vote-tallying ...

Russian government actors tried to hack election systems in
WASHINGTON – People connected to the Russian government tried to hack election-related computer systems in 21 states, a Department of Homeland Security official testified Wednesday. Samuel Liles, the Department of Homeland Security's acting director of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis Cyber ...

Russians targeted 21 election systems, U.S. official says | Reuters
Russian hackers targeted 21 U.S. state election systems in the presidential race and a small number were breached but there was no evidence any votes were...
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Name "Liles" (36)
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