Sandra Baer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sandra Baer)


(1 - 4 von 25

A mother’s final wish: A family vacation to Marco Island
When Melanie Latulippe, 42, was asked what wish she wanted granted by the Dream Foundation she chose a family vacation on Marco Island.

Thinking of becoming a farmer? Read this book first
Our Wild Farming Life by BBC2’s Lynn Cassells and Sandra Baer shows just how much hard work it takes to live off the land

Farming's young stars to lead climate change campaign ›
Lynn Cassells and Sandra Baer, of Lynbreck Croft, in the Cairngorms. 0 comment. GORDON DAVIDSON. A TEAM of pioneering young farmers ...

CIVIQ Smartscapes Appoint Sandra Baer as CMOJMC Capital Partners
— CIVIQ Smartscapes, the industry leader in smart city innovation, today welcomed Sandra Baer as the company's Chief Marketing Officer.
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