Sandy Deering Person-Info 

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Stories from Sunday, June 3, 2012Daily American Republic
She was inches long Grandparent are Eddie and Joy Kirkman of Fisk, Mo., Sandy Deering of Poplar Bluff, Mo., and Denton Deering of Patterson, Mo.

Birth announcement: Deering | The Standard Newspaper
Great-grandparents are Maloy Johanningmeier of Monona, Bob and Sandy Deering of Postville and Lorraine Schultz of Postville. SectionName ...

Sandy Deering Receives Outstanding Teacher Award
Congratulations to Mrs. Sandy Deering, pre-K teacher, who was selected as one of six teachers in Orange County to receive the Orange County Association for the Education of Young Children (OCAEYC) "Outstanding Teacher" Award in Early Childhood Education.

Flashback | The Standard Newspaper
•Robert and Sandy Deering will celebrate their 40th Anniversary March 3. •Peggy Rekow has been named staff member of the year at the Good Samaritan Center. •Twenty-Five Years Ago •Rev. and Mrs. Howard Wolfgram, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mundt, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Corlett, Mr. and Mrs. George Wander ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sandy Deering
Angelo Paul
Vorname "Sandy" (8208)
Name "Deering" (431)
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