Sandy Eisenberg Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sandy Eisenberg)


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Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso to Speak at Commencement | Post - Park...
All members of the Park Tudor community are invited to Commencement on Sunday, May 21.

Sandy Eisenberg Sasso: Teaching Children with Stories
In 1974, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso became the first female Reconstructionist rabbi and only the second woman rabbi in the U.S She also became an author, writing

Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Richard Hays, and Linda Loving — Passover and...
In the coinciding seasons of Passover and Easter, two world religions celebrate their core stories in ritual and worship. Each ...

Den Weg gebahnt | Jüdische Allgemeine
Sie waren Pioniere: die ersten Rabbinerinnen nach dem Krieg. Was hat ihre Ordination bewirkt? Eine Diskussion in Berlin
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