Sandy Olivar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sandy Olivar)


Portraits de Macron décrochés : un rassemblement et un nouveau...
Plus de 200 personnes se sont rassemblées mercredi devant le TGI de Paris, où étaient jugés des militants qui ont décroché des portraits d'Emmanuel Macron.

Black Friday Protests Across Europe Demand Amazon 'Start Treating...
... for the planet, for social conditions, and Black Friday allows this company to achieve exponential revenue," said activist Sandy Olivar Calvo.

Gegen Amazon und seine Welt | Attac Österreich
Franzöischer Aufruf, den Black Friday in einen

Portraits of Macron unhooked: a rally and a new stall during the...
More than 200 people gathered Wednesday in front of the TGI of Paris, where were judged activists who have collected portraits of Emmanuel Macron.
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Vorname "Sandy" (8208)
Name "Olivar" (157)
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