Santiago Villacorta Person-Info 

( Ich bin Santiago Villacorta)


Strange effect - PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu - The AVSIM › ... › PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu
My specs are: I K 4.2, NVIDIA MSI GTX GB, W7/10 X64. Thanks,. Santiago Villacorta. Share this post. Link to post ...

NGX Nav Lights - PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu - The AVSIM Community
Hello I traded up to P3D v4 recently and purchased the NGX but I noticed that the nav lights seem overly bright/ too large. Im not sure if it is supposed to be...

SID Speed Rest. - PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu - The AVSIM Community
I used the CLN1E out of Rwy22 at EGSS. I was flying on Vatsim. If you look at the waypoints they have closely spaced SID step climbs and at CLN you have a...

P-8A Navigation Lights - PMDG General Forum - The AVSIM Community
What are those circles outside the navigation lights?...
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Vorname "Santiago" (981)
Name "Villacorta" (197)
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