Sara Ferrer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sara Ferrer)


(1 - 4 von 20

Eulalio Ferrer da nombre a un doctorado en comunicación 'on line'....
Ana Sara Ferrer, presidenta de la Fundación Cervantina, ha realizado una breve visita a Cantabria para cerrar la puesta en marcha del Centro Avanzado de...

Sara Ferrer, la surconsommation mord à l’hameçon
Avec son œuvre Fishing the soul , l’artiste dénonce la pêche de masse, la surconsommation et le besoin urgent d’une guérison de l’océan. «  C’est ...

Many Jordanians struggling as country emerges from COVID-19 lockdown,...
· Jordan had already been hit by years of sluggish growth and high unemployment​, Sara Ferrer Olivella, resident representative of UNDP Jordan ...

From around the world to Queens: Sara Ferrer del Castillo |...
QUEENS COUNTY - Sara Ferrer del Castillo shivers from the shock of the cold here, but he says it’s OK, she has to get used to it.  
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Person "Ferrer" (1)
Vorname "Sara" (18504)
Name "Ferrer" (1087)
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