Sara Hurvitz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sara Hurvitz)


(1 - 4 von 22

Experimental Drug T-DM1 Clinical Trials Encouraging Against...
T-DM1, an experimental drug, showed promise in clinical trials against HER2-positive breast cancer. Patients who took the drug were free of disease longer than...

Fighting the Breast Cancer Epidemic: Interview with Dr. Sara Hurvitz...
Sara Hurvitz, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology-Oncology at UCLA specializing in the treatment of breast cancer,...

Breast cancer treatment has evolved. Here’s where we are.
There is no “one size fits all approach” when it comes to treating breast cancer. The disease is made up of several subtypes, and ideally each type should be...

Als orthodoxe Frau ins Rabbinat? | Jüdische Allgemeine
Meesh Hammer-Kossoy wurde im Juni in Jerusalem ordiniert. Julia Konnik entschied sich bewusst für ihre Familie
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Vorname "Sara" (18504)
Name "Hurvitz" (28)
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