Sayed Alamgir Shah Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sayed Alamgir Shah)


(1 - 4 von 23

Heads roll over Bannu jailbreak
... Elementary & Secondary Education Department as member, Syed Alamgir Shah, Special Secretary Home, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-member, ...

Dr MUHAMMED ALAMGIR SHAH - General Physician in Karachi
Dr MUHAMMED ALAMGIR SHAH - General Physician in Karachi. Find the updated information about Dr MUHAMMED ALAMGIR SHAH with complete contact details online. You...

Enforced disappearances: Release ‘missing persons’ who have not been...
Says officials might need to submit records on the basis of which they deny having custody.

Afghan interpreter Sayed Shah Sharifi makes new home in Toronto | The...
The moment Sayed Shah Sharifi stepped off the plane at Pearson airport, his life changed. The 24-year-old former combat interpreter for Canadian forces in...
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