Sebastian Siemssen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sebastian Siemssen)


Agent Conf 17 – Bezauer › Aktuell › Allgemein
The last act of the morning was the Austrian duo Nik Graf and Sebastian Siemssen. In their profession they deal with GraphQL and Serverless Architecture.

B2RUN | Fotos von Sebastian Siemssen - B2Run München
Fotos von Sebastian Siemssen - B2Run München. Zurück zum Ergebnis. Kamera 1. Kamera 2. Kamera 3. Kontaktformular - Zeitmessung.

API First Drupal 8, React, and You! | Four Kitchens
Get hands-on experience at DCNA2017; we'll demystify API First Drupal and give you a taste of what building real decoupled apps is like.
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