Shantel Walker Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shantel Walker)


(1 - 4 von 30

Food workers rally at NY Statehouse for wage hike - Washington Times
Fast food workers from around New York state rallied at the Statehouse on Tuesday to demand a higher minimum wage and support legislation that would let cities...

US fast food worker protests expand to 190 cities - BBC › news › business
· Shantel Walker has been with the movement from the beginning and has attended six protests. She has been working at a Papa John's pizzeria ...

Shantel Walker stands for a photo outside a Brooklyn fast ...
View the picture 'Shantel Walker stands for a photo outside a Brooklyn fast food restaurant, Thursday, June 19, 2014, in New York. Walker, who ...

#SmearForSmear selfies - Mirror Online
1 of 18. Shantel Walker, Liverpool Shantel Walker from Liverpool2 of 18. Leah Spillane from Ireland3 of of 18. Vicky Marsh from Doncaster5 of 18. Kristi Murphy from Pontypridd6 of 18. Nicola Evans from South Wales7 of 18. Ang Swainston from Darlington8 of 18. Sue Clennell from Weymouth9 of 18.
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