Shauna Kerr Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shauna Kerr)


(1 - 4 von 12

Student stays out all night and leaves nightclub at 10am - but it was...
Business studies student Shauna Kerr, 31, from Wednesbury, fell asleep in one of the cubicles at The Geisha Club, in Birmingham’s Cube complex

Mayor Shauna Kerr: how does that sound? | › news › ma...
Shauna Kerr, the firecracker politician who has held elected office in Park City and Summit County, said on Monday she is considering a campaign for the ...

Clubber falls asleep in Birmingham nightclub loo - and is locked in...
She eventually escapes via a fire exit

Flanders man accused of beating pregnant girlfriend held on bail -...
At the arraignment Thursday, prosecutor Shauna Kerr said Mr. Proctor's girlfriend had to have her spleen and appendix removed and had two ...
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