Shauna Lee Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shauna Lee)


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SitNews - Opinion/Letter: Help Me Solve A Mystery Ketchikan! By...
By Shauna Lee. August 31, Monday. Any homeowner in Ketchikan can tell you that the older homes have interesting construction, at best.

Patio Music: Shauna Lee — Spirit Hound › events
Patio Music: Shauna Lee. Saturday, July 13, :00pm – 8:00pm 17:00 – 20:00. ✚ gCal · ✚ iCal. Join us for an evening with local musician Shauna Lee.

Man arrested in Shauna Lee missing Coventry woman case - BBC News
A man is being held in a secure hospital ward in connection with the disappearance of a woman from Coventry who was last seen in November.

'Detailed' search of Coventry flat in hunt for missing Shauna Lee -...
Police investigating the disappearance of a Coventry woman last November start a detailed forensic examination of her last known address.
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Person "Lee" (9)
Vorname "Shauna" (455)
Name "Lee" (7728)
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