Shauna Patterson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shauna Patterson)


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Guardian: Indigenous painting found at charity shop sells for $1,800 |...

Mystery surrounds how a piece by Western Australian artist Marcia Purdie came to be in a Melbourne Vinnies

Twisters tops at Mississauga tournament - Halton Hills › data
Shauna Patterson (3G, A), Jen Eady (G, 2A), Jen Cushnie (G) and Hailey Galloway (2A) were the leading Twister scorers. Members of the team, starting in the ...

Five star Moville claim Ulster title | Football Association of Ireland
· LORETO SS: Shauna Patterson, Nicole McLaughlin, Nadine Crawford, Sarah McGarrigle, Jamie Lee Murray, Sabhdha Medlar, Rose Boyle, ...

Painting keen-eyed Brunswick op shop boss thought 'a bit special'...
· ... at it and just thought, 'this is so striking, so simple', " St Vincent de Paul Society opportunity shop manager Shauna Patterson said.
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Vorname "Shauna" (455)
Name "Patterson" (1243)
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