Shauna Springer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shauna Springer)


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What to do if your marriage ends suddenly - Punch Newspapers
A psychologist with expertise in close relationships, stressor effects on marriage and recovery from trauma, Dr. Shauna Springer, pointed out ...

Zu hohe Ansprüche: Warum Perfektionismus schadet
Das zeigt eine Studie von Shauna Springer. Sie fand heraus, dass Perfektionisten nicht nur Angst vor dem Scheitern haben, sondern sich zudem ungern verletzlich zeigen.

‘Return to normalcy’ a struggle at veterans campus stunned by shooting
Future plans for the Pathway Home program remain in limbo as other patterns of life at the Veterans Home of California resume.

Calling suicide shameful is the wrong call, these authors say
Shauna Springer, Ph.D., is senior director, suicide prevention initiatives, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors. Mike Ergo, licensed clinical ...
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