Shi Zheng Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shi Zheng)


(1 - 4 von 12

Review: Kronos Quartet and Wu Man bring multimedia happening to Stanford
[San Jose Mercury News] - Stanford Lively Arts deserves kudos for co-commissioning a night as ambitious as "A Chinese Home," which is directed by Chen Shi-Zheng, who also directed

Die chinesische Schuhmarke Topscore findet in Centric Software den...
Shi Zheng Jiu erklärt, dass zwei Gründe für Centric ausschlaggebend waren. „Zum einen umfasst die Centric 8 Plattform leistungsstarke Produktplanungsmodule,

Chen Shi Zheng | The Sunday Times
My earliest memories are of gunshots and famine. There were so many factions fighting each other. My brothers, sisters and friends all had different ideas of ...

Chen Shi-Zheng - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
Latest news and commentary on Chen Shi-Zheng including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.
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