Sian Simpson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sian Simpson)


(1 - 4 von 24

North Harbour's Youth Excellence Celebrated | Scoop News
16 November – With the aim of becoming a neurosurgeon in his sights, the excellence of young talented doctor Carl Hume has been recognised with top...

Girls and Knife crime | This Is Local London
Knife crime amongst girls is escalating. In July Sian Simpson was stabbed to death by Chelsea Bennett after an argument over a boy. The knife…

Springfield police track stabbing suspect through GPS monitoring...
Doctors at Baystate Medical Center said police saved the victim's life by providing first aid at the scene.

Guardian: Two teenagers questioned after girl, 17, is stabbed to death | UK...

Two teenage girls were being questioned last night after a 17-year-old girl was stabbed to death on a London estate.
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John Holt
Vorname "Sian" (418)
Name "Simpson" (1787)
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