Simone B. Long Person-Info 

( Ich bin Simone B. Long)


Simone: Long list of suspects | Northern Star
TOBIAS SUCKFULL is only one of a long list of suspects in the killing of German tourist Simone Strobel, Lismore police said yesterday.

Minivan driver smashes into her Raleigh apartment with four children...
Police charged a woman with crashing the minivan she was driving into the living room of her West Raleigh apartment and with leaving four young children...

Sitzstreik: Kurdische Flüchtlinge verlangen bessere Unterbringung
"Wir tun für sie, was wir können", erklärte die Vizepräsidentin des Französischen Roten Kreuzes, Simone Long. Man bemühe sich auch um ...
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