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( Ich bin Simone Klawitter)


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Trinkwasser und Hygiene | Philippinen Reisetagebuch Eva Padberg
UNICEF-Botschafterin Eva Padberg besucht die „Manlurip“-Grundschule und erfährt, wie dank UNICEF die Kinder inzwischen wieder lernen und spielen können.

Scaling-up of rural sanitation in flood-hit districts emphasized -...
ISLAMABAD: Immediate measures to scale up sanitation facilities in flood-affected districts was emphasized at a workshop held here on Thursday to review...

Awareness stressed for promoting hand washing
KARACHI - Under the theme of ‘Clean hands, Save Lives’ for this year, the Global Hand Washing Day was observed on Monday with clear message of promoting safe

Simone Klawitter, Author at The Express Tribune
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