Sina Ribak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sina Ribak)


(1 - 4 von 33

Between Us and Nature Reading Group: How Many ...HOME Manchester
Led by artist Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky and researcher for ecologies and the arts Sina Ribak, this session is run as part of their on-going Between Us and Nature ...

Between Us and Nature Reading Group: How Many ...Visit Manchester
Led by artist Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky and researcher for ecologies and the arts Sina Ribak, this reading club is run as part of their on-going reading club ...

MATTER OF FLUXArt Laboratory Berlin
... Sina Ribak, Susanne Schmitt, Susanne Jaschko, Sybille Neumeyer, Theresa Schubert, WhiteFeather Hunter, Yan Lin. Das ausführliche Festival Programm mit ...

Sustainable Consumption Transitions Series Issue 8SAGW
Fritsche and Sina Ribak ... Sina Ribak, Researcher for ecologies & the arts. Sophie Vögele, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sina Ribak
Marisa Benjamim
Vorname "Sina" (8581)
Name "Ribak" (9)
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