Sina Will Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sina Will)


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Plastic surgeon imposter Steven Moos jailed after disfiguring women
[Times Online] - It is devastating that this monster could do such a thing,” said Sina Bahsoun, manager of surgical services at the hospital. “I think Dr Hopping will try to

Celanese and SABIC Announce Polyacetal Expansion in Middle East
[ (press release)] - Upon successful startup of the POM facility, Celanese's economic interest in Ibn Sina will increase from 25 percent to a total of percent

"Mobile First" -
Der chinesische Internetgigant Sina will sich im kommenden Jahr stärker auf sein Mobile Business konzentrieren. Das geht aus einer E-Mail von Sina-CEO Charles...

Sina Prepares Weibo IPO in New York |
Chinese internet platform Sina has hired Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse to manage a New York IPO for its immensely popular micro-blogging service Weibo,...
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