Slavica Dukic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Slavica Dukic)


(1 - 4 von 18

Kosovo Serbs to vote under OSCE deal -
Ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo can vote in Serbia's upcoming parliamentary and national elections under a deal brokered this week by regional peacekeepers.

Alpine gets Serbian 'Pan-European Corridor' order - Wiener Zeitung...
Alpine Bau GmbH is to build two motorway sections and seven bridges in Serbia as part of the Pan-European Corridor project. Alpine will build a 5...

Prammer unterstützt Serbiens EU-Annäherung NR-Präsidentin trifft in...
"Österreich unterstützt Serbien bei der schrittweisen Annäherung an die Europäische Union", versicherte Nationalratspräsidentin Barbara Prammer heute ihrer Amtskollegin Slavica Dukic Dejanovic.

EM Portugal and EM Serbia signed cooperation treaty | EMI
During their stay, they met with the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Ms Slavica Dukic Dejanovic, Assembly Vice ...
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