Song Carl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Song Carl)


(1 - 4 von 12

Denis: Red Wine and Neil Diamond
[Huddersfield Examiner (blog)] - "This might be UB40, but Neil Diamond recorded it first." And then the conversation slipped into scorn that anyone could think Neil Diamond had ever

Carl Barât-produced single by Kieran Leonard to be released this month
[] - The song, called 'The King, My Father', was produced by Barât at Ray Davies' Konk Studios in London. Leonard is releasing the track digitally on New Year's

An Evening of Healing Song and Candlelight
[Coastsider News] - CUSD'S “Push Poll” for a Parcel Tax, Dec 1 4:56pm, Carl May — The regular reapplications for the senior exemption required in past local parcel tax measures

Rückkehr zum Song
[Esslinger Zeitung] - Denn bei dieser Überdosis an Klangpassagen haben viele Besucher eh die Augen geschlossen und lassen sich von den ausufernden Melodien in andere Sphären
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