Sonia Guil Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sonia Guil)


(1 - 4 von 7

5th Catalan Rett Syndrome Day – Rett Syndrome Europe
Angels Garcia and her partner in Sant Joan de Deu, Mar O'Callaghan, and Sonia Guil -from Institute for Biomedical Research of Bellvitge- ...

Discovered a molecule that regulates the deve | EurekAlert!
Sonia Guil, leader of the Regulatory and Chromatin RNA group of Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute, and Lourdes Farré of ...

Molecule Expressed from Noncoding Genome Region Linked to Tumor...
Researchs reveal how the RPSAP52 RNA molecule triggers the proliferation of cells and cancels their differentiation, making it easier for tumor cells to...

La inhibición de gsk3b reduce la inflamación cerebral y activa las...
Olga de la Caridad Jorge Torres1 2, Sonia Guil Domenech1,2. 1 Programa de Epigenética y Biología del Cáncer (PEBC),. 2 Instituto de ...
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