Sonja Sax Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sonja Sax)


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How new US ‘green’ rules will kill New York jobs
As health consultants Julie E. Goodman and Sonja Sax have explained, “The overwhelming body of scientific evidence indicates lowering the ...

Breast cancer survivor creates fundraising effort - Opera › news
Breast cancer survivor and local bartender Sonja Sax, along with a coworker, is donating all of her tips Thursday at Zucharello's Restaurant in.

Sparkasse ehrt längjährige Mitarbeiter | schwäbische
Dec 04, · Seit 25 Jahren arbeiten bei der Sparkasse Ulm Rosalia und Georg Braun, Claudia Illich, Regina Knoll, Adelheid Kröner, Sabine Meßner, Stefanie Prach, Markus Prestele, Melanie Rupkalwis, Sonja Sax ...

Cancer Study Cites Hazards of Indoor Air - Los Angeles Times
A survey of Los Angeles and New York students finds that a large part of health risk comes from unregulated compounds in homes and schools.
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