Sophia De Sousa Person-Info 

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globo: Primeiro santuário de elefantes na América Latina abre as portas no...

Para resolver esse impasse, a promotora Sophia Sousa de Mesquita David, que cuidou do caso, acionou o Grupo Especial de Proteção da Fauna (Gedef), do Ministério Público de Minas, para encaminhar Maia e Guida a um local satisfatório. Foi quando o santuário apareceu. Não existe na norma federal ...

Guardian: Live discussion: how can we create places where people want to live?...

What makes a desirable community, places that residents want to be a part of? Join our panel of experts from 12pm on Monday 21 January or leave a comment now

Sophia de Sousa writes about the experience of community partners |...
For the past five years, The Glass-House Community Led Design has been active in collaborative research supported by the AHRC's Connected Communities ...

Architecture, Faith and Community - Faiths Forum
Spiritual and religious spaces signify the value and importance of faith and connection at the heart of a community. In a changing global context, the
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Vorname "Sophia" (8828)
Name "de Sousa" (927)
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