Sophie Luther Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sophie Luther)


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Taz: Kulturwissenschaftler auf der Bühne: Wo das Herzblut fließt -

· Im Hinterhof der Domäne Marienburg regnet es. Musikstudentin Sophie Luther bindet mit einigen KommilitonInnen Kaffeetassen an einen Fahrradreifen.

Luther's flair offers chance to follow in famous footstepsThe Times
— SOPHIE LUTHER was silent for a moment as she tried to take in what Emma Richards had just told her in front of the judges and the other nine ...

BBC News | In pictures
Balancing act. Sophie Luther, 23, South East London. "I love the competition, I've always been a competitive person. I guess I'm an adrenaline junkie – I ... › html › 4.stm

Sophie Luther junior tennis player earns 11 playing Girls'
— Golden tennis player Sophie Luther won 11 points playing singles tournaments in the junior Girls' 18 category of the United States Tennis ...
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