Stefania Orru Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stefania Orru)


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Stefania Orru' Palazzo Medici Riccardi Firenze
L'incanto dell'Essere. Materia e/e' Luce. 10 opere in cui il tema viene trattato con una pittura che evoca distinte identita' narrate e contemplate.

stefania orru | Libero 24x7
Ecco le liste e tutti i candidati: - Lista numero 1, Insieme : Stefania Loi , Alessandro Balletto , Paola Mereu , Antonello Floris , Claudia Pinna , Damiano...

End of the Year: — Andrew › looking-back-at-2016
Thanks to Stefania Orru and others who took photos of my sullen mug this year; whether it be on the mean streets of Red Hook or while I'm on ...

Ooooh, that smell! Odors rise with the temperature
Your nose doesn't lie - odors intensify in the warm summer months, be they of rotting garbage on the sidewalk or fragrant flowers blooming in a garden.The...
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