Stephanie Schaffer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephanie Schaffer)


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Avid ballet dancer loses legs in Bahamas tour boat explosion | The › news › apxwoman-who-fa...
· Stephanie Schaffer, a 22-year-old student at Castleton University, was among nine people injured when the boat exploded Saturday , killing a ...

Viele Geschäfte und kleine Läden sind aus der Fraunhoferstraße in...
Doktor Rosalinde Klapfenberger-Schaffer (65) wohnt seit ihrer Geburt in dem Haus in der , in dem Sie mit Tochter Doktor Stephanie Schaffer …

Full list of metro-area athletes expected to sign DI or DII national...
Listed are metropolitan area athletes who are expected to sign Division I or II national letters of intent.

'She didn't deserve this,' says mother of 22-year-old woman who lost...
The college senior still doesn't know the extent of her injuries, her mother told ABC News.
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