Stephen Pringle Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephen Pringle)


(1 - 4 von 11

No extra jail time for wife stabber: court
Mark Stephen Pringle was sentenced in the Supreme Court in Brisbane in December last year to nine years' jail. He had pleaded guilty to the ...

Hoverfly 'kissing a thistle' wins photo competition - BBC News
Photos of flies, fish, snakes, sealions and even a dead zebra are recognised in the British Ecological Society's annual photo competition.

Guardian: Windy Gyle, Northumberland by Stephen Pringle | Travel

Windy Gyle, Northumberland by Stephen Pringle "Had this stunning scenery been in Ireland it would have been commandeered by Clannad years ago for a ...

The World Today - Dumped MP lashes out at NSW Libs
An election is looming in New South Wales but the opposition Liberal Party appears more interested in internal brawls than in shaping up to the Government...
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Vorname "Stephen" (9320)
Name "Pringle" (141)
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