Steven Vogel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Steven Vogel)


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Schlüssel zur Widerstandsdämpfung liegt in der Erzeugung einer selbstähnlichen Form

Four charged after black man's body found burning in Iowa ditch
Steven Vogel, 31, of Grinnell, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of strangling to death 44-year-old Michael Williams on Sept. 12, the Iowa ...

Guardian: Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books longlist announced |...

GrrlScientist: A smorgasbord of excellent science writing to keep your mind engaged and educated during the summer months.

Steven Vogel (Denison University), “Thinking Like a Mall” |...
Aldo Leopold said we should learn to “think like a mountain,” recognizing a complexity and independence in natural entities that ground an obligation to...
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