Svend Ole Person-Info 

( Ich bin Svend Ole)


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Experten planen Querung | Fehmarn
... Zulieferern/Unterberatern Ammann & Whitney (US), Svend Ole Hansen (DK), WTM Engineers (DE), Wilkinson Eyre Architects (UK), Schönherr Landskab (DK) ...

DANIELSEN, SVEND "OLE" | The Chronicle Herald
DANIELSEN, Svend "Ole". It is with great sadness that the family of Svend "Ole" Danielsen, 83, of Lunenburg, announces his passing on Friday, December 29, in Fishermen's Memorial Hospital, Lunenburg. Born in Kolind, Denmark, he grew up in a large family of six children to his parents, Thorvald and Wilhelmina ... Svend-Ole Thorsen ude af Vild med Dans -

Tidligere skuespiller og nuværende folkepensionist Svend-Ole Thorsen og hans dansepartner, Mie Moltke, har danset deres sidste dans.

Product Pick of the Week - World-class wind tunnel opens in Vermont
Svend Ole Hansen, principal of SOH Wind Engineering and wind tunnel owner, decided to launch this new business in the U.S. in response to a request issued by Hinesburg-based NRG Systems, global manufacturer of wind turbine measurement equipment and optimization systems.
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