Taha Saleh Person-Info 

( Ich bin Taha Saleh)


(1 - 4 von 13

Gestational diabetes may go unnoticed, doctors warn | Health – Gulf...

Leading a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, and getting pregnant at a late age are just some of the causes of gestational diabetes

Guardian: John Kerry says Yemen not yet a failed state despite continued...

Secretary of state says US is working with the UN, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to start negotiations between Yemen’s government and rebels

Al Qaeda seizes Yemen airport, military base; U.N. envoy resigns -...

Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen, capitalizing on the chaos gripping the country, was reported to have taken control of an airport, oil terminal and other facilities...

Hofburg Vienna im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit – BILD | leisure...

2002 von Wolfgang Lamprecht und Alexander Khaelss-Khaelssberg gegründete und mehrfach ausgezeichnete Public Relations- und Kommunikations-Agentur.
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