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Tania Schmidt | News, Videos & ArticlesGlobal News

Tania Schmidt videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews.ca your source for the latest news on Tania Schmidt .

Girl Scouts tackle car care, build life skillsThe Florida Times-Union

Tania Schmidt-Alpers, an attorney, said the automotive class is teaching her daughter and the other Girl Scouts valuable lessons that go beyond how to ...

St. Johns County Legal Aid honors its volunteersThe Florida Bar

— ... down are Jim Kowalski, director of Jacksonville Legal Aid, Judge Howard McGillin, and honorees Tania Schmidt-Alpers and Carol Daniels.

The real price of budget cuts at Winona State UniversityThe Winonan

— Tania Schmidt, the director of admissions, talked about how admissions have been higher this year than in the previous years and why.
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