Tara Poropat Person-Info 

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Ladies Hospital Aid Society's Wild Orchid Party | Pittsburgh...

The event benefited the LHAS Orchid Fund, which helps people with hair loss due to health issues. The money raised will go to help 40 kids.

Ladies Hospital Aid Society's Wild Orchid Party

Jeaninne Blyth, Alexis Wukich and Tara Poropat. The Ladies Hospital Aid Society held the Wild Orchid Party at the Savoy in the ...

URBANPolish hosts Wild Orchid party at Fort Pitt History Museum |...

Event benefits the Ladies Hospital Aid Society's program, that helps people suffering hair loss disorders.

The 3rd Wild Orchid Party held at Skybar | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Wild Orchid Party hosted by the Ladies Hospital Aid Society raised roughly $25,000.
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Vorname "Tara" (3595)
Name "Poropat" (57)
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