Tarik Turhan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tarik Turhan)


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Guardian: The Guardian

AP — ... Tarik Turhan, 24, an engineering student. "We need machinery, experts, and technology. But the big guys in their big safe houses just think ...

Stadt Duisburg

... Tarik Turhan (52 Tage) und Ramazan Satır (40). Das Kommunale Integrationszentrum lud zusammen mit der Initiative Duisburg und den Angehörigen des ...

Quick Sigorta, Başkent Üniversitesi'nde Öğrencilerle Buluşacak -...

Quick Sigorta'nın, öğrencilere yönelik olarak başlattığı

Bereaved blame the `big guys' for chaos in the devastated area

Suddenly it all became too much for Sibel Celik
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