Taufik Gholam Sarwar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Taufik Gholam Sarwar)


Ghulam Azam incited genocide in '71 | The Daily Star

War crimes accused Jamaat-e-Islami former chief Ghulam Azam incited his men for committing genocide during the Liberation War in 1971, the prosecution...

Comment: Drama around Bangladesh editor - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

... council and various journalists' organisation have condemned the issuance of summons, with Gholam Sarwar, chief of the Editors' Council, ...

The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 941

The serial is directed by Gholam Sarwar Dodul and written by Manik Manobik. This work has a stellar cast: Wahida Mallick Jolly, Chitralekha ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Taufik Gholam Sarwar
Sergej Lissowsky
Vorname "Gholam" (46)
Name "Sarwar" (151)
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