Teri Garr Person-Info 

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Say Goodnight to Gilda Radner: The Complete 5th Season DVDs are ...

[TVShowsOnDVD.com] Elliot Gould, Burt Reynolds, Bob Newhart, and former cast member Chevy Chase. The complete fifth season of SNL features classic performances by Paul

Google News: Top 10 Alien Invasion Films

[Examiner.com] - The only thing that stands in their war are two teenagers and their ice cream truck…The plot really speaks for itself, but theme song along makes this a

The John Hughes I Was Lucky Enough To Know

[Scoop.co.nz] - "Variety says I have more starts than MGM," said John Hughes on the phone, a little baffled by Hollywood's reflexive embrace of him as

Google News: HBO Bryant Park Summer Film Festival: Close Encounters of the ...

[Examiner.com] - Co-stars Teri Garr as his frustrated wife, and Francois Truffaut, the legendary French director, as a scientist seeking communication with extraterrestrials
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