Terrance Dawson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Terrance Dawson)


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VIDEO: Taser use draws excessive-force suit; plaintiff claims blacks...

A man whom a Blytheville police officer shot with a Taser during a July 4 arrest has filed a lawsuit claiming the officer used excessive force.

Michigan man faces 8 possible life terms in assaults - mlive.com

A Benton Harbor man faces eight possible life sentences when he's sentenced on 20 counts stemming from a string of gunpoint kidnappings and assaults that...

Terrance Dawson Speaks Obituary - Newspapers.com

Clipping found in Messenger-Inquirer in Owensboro, Kentucky on Apr 27, Terrance Dawson Speaks Obituary

GOP strong, Democrats improved at end of candidate qualifying

Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery, drew two challengers in the Democratic primary on Friday: Terrance Dawson and Kirk Hatcher. No Republican ...
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