Terri Guiles Person-Info 

( Ich bin Terri Guiles)


Newsletter - Fellowship of Christian Poetswww.christianpoets.com › newsletter › news

... Mother, Mac Wilkey, Bridgeport, Alabama USA; Thank You, Terri Guiles, Baytown, Texas USA; Mother's of Faith, Jonathan Chapman, Calgary, Albera, Canada ...

Fellowship of Christian Poets - Newsletter

"Thank You" by Terri Guiles, Baytown, Texas "Mother and I" by Laura Lynch, Chestnut Ridge, New York "There's Hope" by Enid Katorobo, Kampala, Uganda

The Dispatch April 30, 1980:  Page 8

The Dispatch Newspaper Archive Eatonville Washington; April Page 8. Topics include school, smith, students, sheriff, right, left, van, tires, junior,...
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Vorname "Terri" (1629)
Name "Guiles" (56)
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