Thomas Coppola Person-Info 

( Ich bin Thomas Coppola)


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Real estate deals
[Sarasota Herald-Tribune] - Debbie Anglin and Steve Horn of Ian Black Real Estate represented the seller and Thomas Coppola of Coppola Realty Group represented the buyer.

Google News: Intervista a Claire Danes

[Close-Up] lavorando al fianco di alcuni fra i più grandi registi contemporanei, da Oliver Stone a Francis Ford Coppola, da Thomas Vinterberg a Billie August.

Chiavari celebra Didi CoppolaIl Secolo XIX
— ... Thomas Coppola, che insieme a una sorella è rimasto a vivere in città dove si occupa di turismo, mentre le altre sorelle risiedono all ...

Studio Legale Coppola & PartnersGoogle
Lawyer Thomas Coppola is capable of fully understanding his clients, of taking on their pain, of feeling their grief as his own... all this thanks to an ...
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