Tim Kett Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tim Kett)


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Teenager's hope to reunite wedding and engagement rings ...

— Picture: Tim Kett - Credit: Archant. A teenager is appealing for help to reunite a lost wedding and engagement ring with their owner. › news

Indian men and women chalked out identical 4-0 victories in the first...

Home News: Indian men and women chalked out identical 4-0 victories in the first round of the 39th Chess Olympiad at Khanty-Mansiysk on Wednesday.

Family who are hoping to show young people how much fun ...

— WHEN Tim Kett was four years old, he begged his parents for a chessboard. Decades later the father-of-two has turned his hobby into a ... › fa...

Rückblick des abl-Teams auf die aware_ Conference 2020

· Tim Kett, unser Keynote Speaker informierte das Publikum mit seinem Impuls-Talk „Smart urbanization: Keys to a sustainable city“ über die Möglichkeiten die Städte der Zukunft nachhaltiger zu gestalten und auch welchen Beitrag die abl dazu leisten will.
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