Tim Quast Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tim Quast)


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Nur die Geschwindigkeit zählt: Computer erobern Rohstoffmarkt -...

An den Aktienbörsen kommt es immer wieder vor, dass Kurse innerhalb kürzester Zeit abstürzen und sich dann schnell wieder erholen. Schuld ist häufig der...

Markets shrug off uncertainty, but will ordinary investors stay the...

"There's all kinds of reasons for the market to be very jittery, but it's not. So why is that?" asked Tim Quast, a market observer out of Denver.

50,000 Wall Street jobs cut

Clearly, nobody bet properly on oil — nobody thought it was going to be below 50 a barrel,” said Tim Quast, president of market analytics firm ...

The small cap squeeze: When more money chases fewer companies |...

Shares of small companies have always traded at a premium on Wall Street, where investors have historically been rewarded for taking chances on the sometimes...
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Person "Quast" (8)
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