Tim Romer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tim Romer)


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FasTracks funding gap widens

[Denver Post] the expanded transit system in the coming decades, said Tim Romer, a Goldman, Sachs & Co. investment banker who is RTD's financial adviser on FasTracks.

Ganz normaler Studentenwahnsinn

[Echo-online] - Das trunkene, leiernde ,,Ding-Dong" ertönt, als Jay-Jay (Tatiana Soto-Bermudez) die Tankstelle in der Teichhausstraße betritt, wo sie flirtenderweise auf

allpolitics - Full Text Of President Bill Clinton's Remarks

... know that Alan Boyd and Cal Dulley (ph) and Sandy Levin (ph) and Karen McCarthy (ph) and Bill Luther and Jim Moran (ph) and Tim Romer, ...

NFL ‘mega-market’ awaits Raiders, Chargers, move to SoCal, executive...

Tim Romer, managing director of the teams' principal financial backer Goldman Sachs, also reassured the audience that the plan makes ...
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