Tina Haux Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tina Haux)


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Guardian: Fathers see sons more than daughters after break-up | Life and style...

Research also finds women’s confidence in parenting falls after separation

Being a parent – before and after a split

Dads who are actively involved in bringing up their young children are more likely in the event of a split from their partner to keep in regular contact with...

DJI - Download der Vortragsfolien

Dr. Tina Haux, University of Kent (GB). Elternschaft unter Belastungen. Ergebnisse aus der Prävalenzstudie der Frühen Hilfen Dr. Andreas Eickhorst, DJI.

Fathers' parenting before and after separation: free evening seminar...

In this seminar Tina Haux presents her analysis of Millennium Cohort Study data, showing a link between fathers' parenting before and after ...
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