Ting Ku Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ting Ku)


Conference Program | Design Automation Conference

Sandeep Chatterjee - Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Farid N. Najm - Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Stéphane Moreau - CEA-LETI Minatec, Grenoble, France. 5.6, Machine Learning Based Electromigration Waiver System. Speaker: Ting Ku - Nvidia Corp., Santa Clara, CA. Authors: Ting Ku - Nvidia Corp. , ...

The Strava Files | Bicycling

Everyone agrees that when Kim Flint crashed, he was chasing a record on Strava. What almost no one seems to fully comprehend is exactly who—or what—caused...

Machine Learning To Enable Bug Free Chips – Golden Opportunities

Speaking at a panel session during DAC, Ting Ku, senior director of engineering at nVidia, said ML techniques need to be tuned to the problem. “When people talk about ML, most think it's neural network-related. But the data doesn't have to be modelled by a neural network.” Singapore-based Plunify ...
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