Tino d'Angelo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tino d'Angelo)


le news di SantaCroceOnLine

Il 4 settembre scorso, il sig. Tino D'Angelo - appassionato cinofilo - ha organizzato a Cepagatti, suo paese d'origine in provincia di Pescara, ...

Knights Top Albright in Home Opener - Neumann University Athletics

The second half also saw Fallows add his second try along with two Tino D'Angelo trys and the Phillips penalty kick for the final. Four freshmen, AJ DelleMonache , Miles Howard, Gaetano Quintiliani, and Pat Howard all saw time to help the Knights to their first league win in the newly formed MARC ...
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Person "D'angelo" (1)
Vorname "Tino" (6119)
Name "D'angelo" (292)
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