Tom Otten Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tom Otten)


(1 - 4 von 58

Isolated Cindy Prompts Debate Over Elephant Care | The Seattle Times
But zoo Director Tom Otten said it's too dangerous to allow anyone that close to Cindy. Though the new system has some limitations, ...

Throwing ice on ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – The Denver Post
... superintendent of the diocese's 113 schools, and Elder High School Principal Tom Otten take the ice-bucket challenge at Elder High School ...

ET's trip to the dentist is a major operation - UPI Archives
It was more than a routine trip to the dentist for ET the walrus....

Nurses Make Kidney Matches
— Kidney donor Tom Otten talks to his wife, Irene, at Georgetown University Hospital on. WASHINGTON | It's two weeks before a huge domino ... › story › news ›
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