Tom Vorpahl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tom Vorpahl)


(1 - 4 von 11

TriMedx Hires Tom Vorpahl as COO - Becker's ASC › trimedx-hir...
TriMedx, a clinical engineering and technology asset management consulting firm, has announced the hiring of Tom Vorpahl as chief operating officer.

TriMedx names Tom Vorpahl COO
Ascension Health subsidiary brings ex-Philips exec into the C-suite.

Area News « Western Lieutenancy
It is also a wonderful coincidence that the Chairman of our Board of Directors, Sir Tom Vorpahl and his wife Lady Ann Vorpahl, as well as Board members H.E. ...

CEO Staffan Ternström blir tillförordnad President Nordamerika
VD Staffan Ternström ersätter med omedelbar verkan Tom Vorpahl som President för Handicare Nordamerika. Tom Vorpahl har valt att lämna ...
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