Tony Brace Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tony Brace)


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Guardian: Church members given right to die | Religion | The Guardian

— Spokesman Tony Brace added: 'They show that anaesthetists want to do their best for their Jehovah's Witness patients.'. › mar

Osaka British Council: Teaching Knowledge Test Seminar in Osaka. Sep....
Teaching Knowledge Test Seminar in Osaka. Speaker: Miyoko Kobayashi (Kanda University of International Studies); Tony Brace (British ...

Guardian: Church members given right to die | UK news | The Guardian

Jehovah's Witnesses, whose faith forbids them to have blood transfusions, must be given the right to die even though their lives may be saved by treatment, new...

Ignore white lines and drive properly - News Shopper
— TONY Brace disagrees with Mr Grey's comments on the new road markings at Hewitts Roundabout on the A21 at Chelsfield (Idiot Drivers To Blame ... › ...
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Name "Brace" (69)
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